I’ve recently purchases your theme and enjoying a lot! My website is getting better and better, however I have stumbled upon some difficulties with editing the top bar and specially the language area and signin/signup area. I am very well aware of how to activate and deactivate these areas in theme options. But this is not what I need, what I need is to edit the languages shown, so instead of “EN” “DE” “ES” “FR”, I need these languages shown “DK” “EN” “SE” “NO” “DE”. How do I edit this? And am I supposed to translate the page word by word myself or will it do it automatically? And for the signup and signin area, I just want the “account icon”, not the “Logout” text shown to the right of it. So how do I remove logout text, without removing the account icon? Thanks, looking forward to hear from you. And thanks again for an awesome theme!
Best regards,