I have just installed the new theme update. Then there were problems. Normally, my header looks like this:
Now he looks like this: (and also the shop is not shown anymore)
I also have a few other problems, and would be very grateful if you could help me again.
The Single Product Page looks like this in the Theme Preview:
My current Single Product Page looks like this:
1. I would like to make the product image the same size as in the preview.
2. In addition, I would like to list the other thumbnails horizontally in a list, as in the Theme Preview.
3. I would reduce the width of the product view to the width of the preview.
4. And I would like to remove the 3 tab “Additional Information”. In the preview only 2 can be seen.
I hope I have explained everything understandable and that I do not bombard you too much with the questions 🙂
Maybe you can give me suitable solutions or find it yourself on my page. As you prefer. The data would be found in the private content.