But how do you import a footer template by library… on footer? Don’t build it from scratch like in the video.
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
But how do you import a footer template by library… on footer? Don’t build it from scratch like in the video.
Do you use WPBakery or Elementor version? What demo did you import?
The theme is Furniture 2 which uses WP Bakery, but I would like to change it with different sections and a different footer.
Shouldn’t I just import them from XStore Studio?
I followed the video where you explain how to do it in HTML, but that’s not what I want and it’s not responsive anyway.
It seems very complicated to import sections on an existing template.
Should I make a blank HOME page and compose it one piece at a time?
Please read this article and enable WPBakery for static blocks https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/wpbakery-page-builder/
XStore studio allows import sections from different demons, when you are using Elementor plugin. Just edit page using Elementor > click here – https://prnt.sc/udpfle and import the desired block. But if you are using WPBakery Page Builder, do not enable the Elementor, watch this video – https://youtu.be/wkIKN2IyEZI Static blocks can’t be imported in such way.
Provide us with wp-admin access, and we will be able to add static blocks from demos to your site manually.
I would like to have the footer as the “pre-footer” I did with Elementor, you can see them at the end of the page with logo etc.
I tried with the blocks in html but I couldn’t.
Could you help me?
I send you the accesses:
Create and edit Static block using Elementor http://prntscr.com/vhjh93
Then add that block to footer widget area http://prntscr.com/vhjhq7
It will appear on the site.
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