I have installed XStore and have import demo content for XStore books version. It is not showing the sliders as shown on your demo: https://xstore.8theme.com/demos/books/
I have tried this several times and it keeps producing the same error despite making sure that all the system requirements are met:
Books Installed! But We Have Some Errors:
• media not installed 🙁
• grid-builder not installed 🙁
The most common errors happened by low server requirements, we strongly recommend to contact your host provider and check the necessary settings.
I have searched your support pages for hours trying to get a resolution. I have followed the steps in your support about regenerating all thumbnails and this has not done nothing to resolve issue. I have also multiple times used your suggested WordPress database reset plugin and it still coming up with the same issue.
I have posted a new topic 04/01/21 and have had no response.
Can someone contact me today as I cannot move any further with this product and the project I am trying to complete.
Thank You.