I need help with 3 issues:
1) Would you please help me implement a scroll bar in my menu. I cannot seem to locate anything to do that. https://snipboard.io/JUetMI.jpg. I would also be okay with recreating my menu using static blocks if necessary but I am unsure how to implement a scroll bar on there either. This is the URL of what I made using a static block if a scroll bar can be implemented here or on the original menu, either would work for me. https://snipboard.io/Z93nr6.jpg
2) I seem to be having issues with my menu scrolling along with the page when the menu is active and you scroll down. By the time I’ve finished scrolling to the end of my menu the content has moved along with that as well as seen here https://snipboard.io/Z7SHYh.jpg
3) The menu seems to open briefly but while I am trying to select the submenu options it often deactivates (seems very sensitive to turning the menu off). I usually have to put my mouse over the menu 2-3 times before I am able to select a submenu option because it keeps deselecting. For an example of this it’s very hard to show that but if you hover over the menu and try to click on any of the submenu items it will close the menu very quickly before your mouse drags to the subitem.