Hello, my web site is down after new update I can’t see my Product on the home page also I can’t see the shop page, maybe WooCommerce error after update
thanks in advance for your help.
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 months ago ago by Andrew Mitchell
Hello, my web site is down after new update I can’t see my Product on the home page also I can’t see the shop page, maybe WooCommerce error after update
thanks in advance for your help.
Hello, YooMart,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Please make sure you cleared the cache, because we do not see the issue on your site, provides are visible – https://prnt.sc/da3WsZWjAt-0
We can’t log in using the credentials you provided.
Best regards,
8Theme’s Team
hello my host is WordPress.com
I speake with the support and they try to fix the error but they will deactivate the xstor core to fix the error
this is the screen shot from the:
– critical error on the backend.
– WordPress Support say : Thank you for your patience. The critical error is due to some incompatibility with the XStore Core plugin. Do I have your permission to disable this plugin for troubleshooting?
and I say yes
so the wordpress support in try to fix the error now and I will tell you after he finish
if error in the xstore core I will back to you in 10 minutes
Please Help and thanks in advance
you can access to admin area access from the link in the Private content area
the wordpress.com support say to you :
Again, thank you for your patience. I’ve updated the plugins and theme on your site, but the error persists when reactivating XStore Core.
The issue originates from the XStore Core plugin itself, where a property in its code doesn’t have the required access level for WooCommerce. Since this requires a fix from the plugin developers, I recommend reaching out to them to report the issue.
You can share the exact error with them:
Fatal error: Access level to XStoreCore\Modules\WooCommerce\XStore_Waitlist_Customer_Notify_New_Request::$placeholders must be public (as in class WC_Email) in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/et-core-plugin/packages/xstore-waitlist/emails/class-customer-notify-new-request.php on line 16
they can help you if you want help you can chat with him from the backend chat if you want and they will do to you as you like.
thank you!
I fix it,
I delete the xstore core plugin and I install the new one
thanks for your help
Dear YooMart,
We hope you’re reveling in the experience our theme brings! Your enthusiasm is what fuels our passion. Would you be so kind as to channel that energy into a 5-star rating on ThemeForest? Your feedback is the spark that lights our way!
Click here to spread the love: https://themeforest.net/downloads
Thank you for being an integral part of our journey!
Best Regards,
The 8Theme Team
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