in europe its by legal rules requiered to have a checkbox for legal terms in checkout box.
The box need to be checked by visitor before submit the order.
If we enable your theme we can not see the checkbox anymore. The checkbox in checkout is one of the most important function of germanized. Without this checkbox you are not allowed to have a store in germany and europe.
We talked to germanized support and asked why the checkbox is not shown in checkout.
Check attached screenshot.
They checked the WooCommerce and Germanized settings and confirmed: everything is fine. They disabled all other plugins and only keep your core plugin enabled + elementor + germanized + germanized pro. They told us we have to contact you again to check also this issue to make your theme compatible with germanized.
I see you posted this solution in other tickets:
We following this guide already and share it with germanized. They told us: this are general informations and it shoud work out of the box with germanized.
We using the default shortcode without elementor checkout builder.
Please check and share a patch.