Two images attached, on shows the all departments menu, one shows the search box function. Is it possible to change the colour of the background of the search, from white to grey
This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 hours, 25 minutes ago ago by Jack Richardson
Two images attached, on shows the all departments menu, one shows the search box function. Is it possible to change the colour of the background of the search, from white to grey
Hello, Terpsauce,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We have received your request along with the attached images. Yes, it is possible to change the background color of the search box from white to grey using custom CSS code:
.elementor-location-header .etheme-search-form-more,
.elementor-location-header .etheme-search-form-title,
.elementor-location-header .etheme-search-trending-searches {
background-color: rgb(26, 26, 26);
color: white;
.elementor-location-header .etheme-search-trending-search-wrapper:hover {
background-color: #222;
Warm Regards,
The 8Theme Team
where do I apply the css, to container, or general css, please elaborate.
Hello, Terpsauce,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
You can apply the CSS either to a specific container or in the general CSS (Theme Options > Theme Custom CSS > Global).
Best regards,
8Theme Team
Your solution doesn’t actually change the search results, just the search suggestion.
Also can’t see any setting to neaten up the button to match the style of all buttons on site? Doesn’t appear to be modifyable by text alignment or size/shape
Alos, no chnages showing on mobile.
And the text within search box is black, and not visible.
Hi @Terpsauce,
Please try with this custom CSS codes instead:
body .etheme-search-form .autocomplete-suggestions {
background-color: #f0f0f0;
body .etheme-search-form-more {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
width: 100%;
body .etheme-search-form-more button {
text-align: center;
body .etheme-search-form-more button span {
border: none;
Hope it helps!
Ive applied this code, removed the last code.
This code does absolutely nothing apart from, modify the layout of search result buttons.
no changes here either
Alos, no chnages showing on mobile.
And the text within search box is black, and not visible.
Dear @Terpsauce,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
There are many settings that allow you to customize the layout of Search header widget ->, please, take a moment and configure according to your needs.
As per Envato’s support policy, additional customization services is out of our basic support scope. You can find more details here:
However, you are welcome to submit your request for customization on your account page:
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson
8Theme Team
The issue related to '‘No settings to change the colour of the search box.’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses