8 Best YouTube Video Gallery Plugins for WordPress
  • December 15

8 Best YouTube Video Gallery Plugins for WordPress

Now everyone knows that it's adding video clips from YouTube service in writing or on the pages of yours website with one of WordPress themes is very simple. A bit of coding or a URL of the video clips, & you're done. But if yours site many video clips, you'll probably want to find a more effectual & convenient solution. You prefer to submit yours video clips at a more interesting & attractive "sauce". Therefore, for many featured video galleries from YouTube service you will be able to find a solution solved by one of WordPress template. Depending on what solution you pick up, it'll allow you to do many things, ranging from automatic creation of an entire page of the video clips based on any tag, YouTube & ending with particular video clips demonstrate in a unique multimedia player. The range of plugins gallery from YouTube service extremely wide: you'll find many wonderful & creative solutions. For this purpose you can apply WordPress themes.
Video galleries of YouTube service can be implemented with WooCommerce themes:
  1. TubePress plugin
TubePress is a dominant, yet easy to use plug-in that it's allows you to fully control automatically inserts a video clips from YouTube service or Vimeo video hosting that you can play straight from WooCommerce template. After you arrange the tool to your liking will eventually be a gallery, what might be attached anywhere on yours site with WooCommerce themes as you wish, applying simple shortcodings. With this tool you can show video clips from YouTube service or Vimeo video hosting. You insert a video clips accessible from the search outcomes, clips from a particular customer or from a selected playlist of favorite video clips particular customer, the most famous & connected video clips within WooCommerce themes.
22_2 Another plugin is that it allows you to manage how the media player demonstrates: what it looks like, & how to operate. TubePress has many features & options that it's might be used to mix & to a variety of video clips galleries. Here's a page with many great examples of what you can create with the plug.
  1. Contus Video Gallery
Contus Video Gallery allows you to create a gallery page, divided into sectors. For instance, “Famous video clips”, “Featured video clips” & “Latest video clips”. You can own a video clips by category, named as you wish. Every video clips can in addition be established on its own page. Such pages are created automatically as you attach the video clips URL on the features page. You build a gallery, adding the URLs we liked the video clips. As adding a URL, you can automatically generate a title & description, taken from YouTube, just by pushing a single push button. In addition tool allows you to set the width, height, number of columns, the number of video clips & etc. The biggest disadvantage of the tool is that it's you've to shell out $ 99 for the pro version to delete the logo.
  1. YouTube Simple Gallery
YouTube Simple Gallery can create a gallery of the chosen one video clips. You can attach in a gallery entry page applying shortcodings by plug & adjacent URLs with yours desired video clips. It’s in addition possible to embed a gallery in the widget addition. The tool allows you to stock the video clips title & description if you want, but such is setting.
  1. YouTube Channel Gallery
YouTube Channel Gallery gives you the opportunity to pick up the design of the gallery.  As you click a thumbnail at the bottom of the gallery, the video clips can be found in the large window above. The tool uses as widget additions & shortcodings, in such way galleries might be inserted into the sidebar. Such tool is very flexible. You can select a video clips or a specific customer from a specific playlist. It’s possible to change the size & order of video clips playback. You can in addition change the appearance of the player: to make it lighter or darker turn off YouTube logo.
  1. Ultimate Video Gallery
Ultimate video clips Gallery creates a compact gallery location with video clips "play now" at the top. Miniatures at the bottom you can browse page by page, if they do not fit on a single page with WordPress themes. Such player is the set of options:
  • With this plugin you can play video clips from YouTube & FLV-files;
  • You can control both the size of the player, & the size of thumbnails;
  • You can manage the title & description of the video clips, & even select the main image (an amazing setting in a case you're promoting someone else's video clips).
After generating the gallery might be a hassle to insert it into a page or post via shortcoding. You can create as many galleries as you want & attach them into widget additions for the sidebar included into a WooCommerce template.
  1. Workbox Videos
Workbox Videos allows you to add video clips one by one. Video clips are demonstrated as a simple picture-list with descriptions right. As someone clicks on the video clips thumbnail, it appears in a pop-up lightbox. Galleries are included to the page selected in the server of the site by shortcode or php-coding. It’s obvious that is you can only create a video gallery, what you can add as many video clips as you want. With this plugin you can add video clips from Vimeo, Wistia. It seems that is such tool is extremely simple, but if you only need a list of video clipss, it copes with the task.
  1. All Video Gallery
Such plugin has not been updated for quite few times, but I included it in the list, notifying you of new videos. The algorithm of the plugin All Video Gallery is that it's it adds a video clips-on-one in the gallery profile. Then you can demonstrate such special gallery in the record or page applying the shortcoding. In the screenshot further shows a page separate video clips. Certain pages of the gallery created from miniatures. Video clip "played now" is not shown on the pages of the gallery is only on the pages of individual video clips. All Video Gallery supports a huge number of video clips formats featuring FLV, mp4, & many others. It in addition has a backup HTML5. You can in addition introduce logo & other parts of the brand & social media icons.
  1. WordPress Video Gallery
WordPress video clips Gallery - surcharge tool with what you can create & set up a video clips gallery by WordPress theme based website. After the vivication of the free version, the tool will automatically create a new page where you'll immediately be able to visually evaluate the optionality of the tool, along with to see & to test its basic features. To specify a particular video clips, use the coding: [hdvideo clips id = 1 playlistid = 4 width = 500 height = 500] Where id - id video clips, you can watch it in the video clips section, playlistid - id categories, width, & height - the height & width. In the widget addition, you can find by WordPress video clips Gallery tool modules, featuring search for video clips & widget addition famous video clips:
  • In the features you can set Facebook comments instead of the usual along with the famous comments from Disqus;
  • In the gallery, you can upload video clips in the pursuing formats: MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v or F4V;
  • To add video clips from Youtube or some other hosting services easily provide a URL.
If you have any questions left about adding YouTube Video Gallery plugin in WordPress themes or WooCommerce templates, you may go to our forum or ask the Technical support.
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