How to Detect AdBlock Users in WordPress
  • July 10

How to Detect AdBlock Users in WordPress

Looking for a way to detect AdBlock users in your WordPress themes? Many bloggers rely on advertising revenue, which allows them to maintain their WordPress sites. The relatively new browser extensions such as AdBlock, could significantly reduce your earning potential. In this article, we'll show you how to detect AdBlock users in WordPress themes and how to show them an arbitrary message to support your site.

What is AdBlock and why does it hurt you?

AdBlock is a simple yet effective addition to any popular web browser that allows users to disable ads on your WordPress website. AdBlock allows for an enjoyable experience of interaction with the site, where all offers are just hidden, but it hurts bloggers rely solely on advertising revenue.
There are several options of how to deal with AdBlock users. Each option has its pros and cons:
  1. The approach of "doing nothing"
As follows from the title, you're just not thinking about users with AdBlock software. You will have to accept the loss of income for satisfied users.
  1. The passive approach
In the case of the passive approach, you can motivate users to add your site to the “white” list of AdBlock to display advertisements. As an alternative - you can ask the users so that they have purchased a premium membership or make a donation. So it does the popular site Reddit. They offer users viewing their site without advertising for a low monthly fee. You can do this by adding a text link just below the ad unit, offering to remove all advertising. If a user clicks on a link, it will go to a page where he can already get acquainted with more detailed information.
  1. Aggressive approach
In the case of this approach, you simply block the site for all users with enabled AdBlock. If they want to see your content, they should disable AdBlock. This approach is very aggressive and he is sure to scare the users away from your site. It is best to use a passive approach noted above. How to detect AdBlock in WordPress themes: easy ways To begin with you will need a plugin for premium WordPress themes called Blocking Detector. After activation plugin it adds a new line AdBlocking in the admin menu. You will need to click on it to configure the plugin.
4(2) You can either edit the shortcodes with the plugin the Sample Shortcode, or create your own shortcode. On the editing screen, you can see the Name field to the shortcode. Below are two text fields. The first will be output if Adblock was not detected in the user's browser. For testing, we recommend that you add something short in this field, for example: No Ad Blocker is detected. Then we will be able to place their advertisements here or leave it blank. The next field is displayed in the event that the plugin has found that the user has installed the program ad blocking. Defaulted message indicates that the plug-in is successfully found AdBlock. You can change it by specifying your own message.
3(3) The plugin comes with the basic styling for both text fields. If this interferes with your styling theme, you can disable it in the section Content Auto-Styling. Just light the box next to -Disable.You will need to click the Save Shortcode, to save the settings. Now that you have created a shortcode, it's time to add it to the theme. The plugin comes with a built-in widget that you can easily add to the theme. Go to the widgets and simply drag it to the sidebar. Done. Now you can view how many users with AdBlock visit your websites on WordPress themes. If you do not have AdBlock, then in that case you will see a message or advertisement, added in the «no AdBlock» to the shortcode.
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