How to Improve Default WordPress Comments with wpDiscuz
  • January 27

How to Improve Default WordPress Comments with wpDiscuz

Default WordPress Comments is quite too simple and limited. That is why you may need to improve your WordPress template with a third-party plugin or tool. One of the options for users of WordPress templates is wpDiscuz plugin. What can it do for your website with a WordPress template?

Why choose wpDiscuz plugin for improving the commenting system of WordPress themes?

wpDiscuz is an interactive AJAX-comment system in real time. The plugin is designed to improve the functionality of the standard comments WordPress. This is the best alternative to Disqus, Livefyre, Jatpack and Facebook. There are a lot for WordPress based comment systems, the most popular of which is Disqus.
15_2 Having tried about 3 other systems eventually we found the interesting plugin for WordPress theme wpDiscuz. By default, comments are monotonous in WordPress functionality and are not always the correct view is already part of the theme. In many cases, we would like to extend the standard set of functions and add more features. Especially for this purpose there are third-party services, as well as plugins that improve WordPress theme’s comments.

Useful features of wpDiscuz for WooCommerce templates

Plugin wpDiscuz is very easily integrated into the system, only need to install and activate it. Immediately after installation, the initial comment form is replaced by wpDiscuz, and you will make some changes in the settings to your liking. The tool runs entirely on WordPress, has a number of useful features:
  • AJAX-technology (commenting without rebooting) that is good for WooCommerce template;
  • Authorization through social services, networks;
  • Suffice lovely views out of the box, with the possibility of stylization;
  • Multilingual support;
  • Fully responsive interface;
  • The integration of social networks input;
  • Powered by AJAX technology;
  • It assigns each user Related Articles;
  • Evaluation comments (like button/no);
  • Safety and prevention of spam.
15_3 Once you activate the plugin, you have the tab "Comments" in 2 new sections - "Settings of wpDiscuz” and “wpDiscuz Phrases”. Most of the default parameter settings suited for many sites using WooCommerce template, but at the request of their easy to change. As you can see in the screenshots, setup the plugin that allows you to edit almost every detail, including the appearance. As for design, in a recent article, you showed you how you can improve on the comments WordPress without the plugin. They had their chips, rather interesting and pleasant appearance.
Another great feature is that wpDiscuz is a free WordPress Comments template. It supports all the social networks: Facebook. Also, you can arbitrarily change the name of buttons and colors in the comment form. However, the inscription plugin still continues, although it is very small: in the form of circles and it will not be visible if it is not pressed. A significant drawback is that the authorization for the comment and enter the site through social networks have to establish through other plug-ins, is associated with wpDiscuz – Default WordPress Comments. wpDiscuz tool is one of the best plugins for replacing the default comment system in WordPress themes and WooCommerce templates. You can share your experience with this plugin on our forum or use the Technical Support service for asking the instructions on how to use this tool for your website or blog.
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