Tips for Getting Started with WooCommerce Themes
  • February 26

Tips for Getting Started with WooCommerce Themes

WooCommerce is a popular platform for eCommerce projects to WordPress engine that was developed by professional designers and developers from 8Theme team. In this article, we will focus on how to start working with any of our premium WooCommerce themes.

How to install a WooCommerce plugin

  1. You can use basic styles and copy them over the existing ones.
  2. You can disable the default styles and instead start from scratch.
  3. Remember that WooCommerce plugins adds class «WooCommerce» to all pages of your wesbite.
  4. Disable the default styles. Record new styles over those offered by default - this is the easiest and fastest way, which is suitable for most users.
  5. Copy the contents of the entire file of WooCommerce CSS, it is located in: wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\assets\css\woocommerce.css or woocommerce.less.
  6. Remove unnecessary elements you out and make your edits. However, it may take a lot of time and lead to a repetition code in the style’s sheet.
  7. Then use the Chrome Developer Tools (or similar tool) to identify the classes and make edits in your browser to see at a glance that will look like after editing. You can do this by right clicking on the page and selecting the inspection items in the drop-down menu.
  8. Copy the CSS code of Chrome Developer Tools in your theme's style sheet.
  9. Do not forget to change the values ​​of variables to maintain the integrity of the style’s sheet and communication styles and content for different browsers.
  10. If you find something that does not change in the customized file, you can remove this value if it does not change, it makes no sense to include it in a custom file CSS.
wocommerce Cover 2 This approach saves you time well. But if you have a zero of practical experience of installing WooCommerce plugin it is better to save time by buying one of our premium WooCommerce themes that have all necessary elements to work with immediately.

General settings of WooCommerce themes

We will make adjustments for any online store using one or few payment options. After installation WooCommerce plugin it will be very useful to establish any other eCommerce plugin that you want for a great look and functionality of your online project. We can add any plugin that you want to your premium WooCommerce theme. Features of premium WooCommerce themes that you can use immediately after installation/buying: Setting up an online store - customize freshly store, we begin with a submenu of the main menu Woocommerce plugin that is called - Settings. Add any currency to your online store - here most of us are interested in setting store location and currency. To WooCommerce plugin, you can add any currency options. In addition, you can also choose the country in which the service is performed and included in the notice of the store. Pages customizations with WooCommerce plugin - setting up an online store pages, create a plugin’s automatic mode. If desired, you can override the page or renamed, but, in fact, this is not necessary. Inventory - if some products are too small, then this page will be notified about it.
General settings of WooCommerce themes Tax - to add the required amount of tax to the price of the goods, you need to select the desired string and interest rates – let the system to do the rest. Most premium WooCommerce themes have an option of taxes. Delivery - there are 5 ways of delivery to customers to choose from: a single rate, free shipping, international shipping, local delivery, self-delivery from a warehouse of your online store. Payment options - WooCommerce plugin offers many additional payment options – MoneyBookers, PayPal, international payment systems for online stores in different countries. Integration - Integration panel does not indulge us a variety of options: you can connect and use the Google Analytics service, which offers to register and get to the store Panel social bookmarking sites popular among North American users.
woocommerce menu cart Orders - this panel can serve as a good illustration of how small changes can make weather. For example, we see that the menu "Ordering Information" has become more compact and convenient now do not escape from the sight of the administrator. Coupons - adding coupon codes and promotional problems is easy, practically intuitive, especially in premium WooCommerce themes.

Adding products to WooCommerce themes

Adding products to WooCommerce themes
Before you begin adding items, let's examine what types of products support Woocommerce. There are four of them:
  1. Normal single product - the “hottest” type of product is usually clear. Usually it is product delivery, for example, T-shirts with funny prints. This kind of products is traded most of online shops. Items can be defined as downloadable or virtual ones. There are no virtual product characteristics such as size, weight and availability.
  2. Grouped items - allows to a particular group similar items or complementary products. Simply put, the newly added products can be attached to existing units, thus grouping them. With this type of product is convenient to offer the customer additional products that can interest him. Naturally the "price" for this kind of items is not, as the cost of products is determined by the price of an attached item.
  3. External items - this type of product at first introduces by a third-party company. It is unclear what kind of curiosity such. However, after a closer examination, it becomes clear that it is a virtual product exhibition in other stores, and you are selling as a mediator
  4. Variability of products - is a product category that has you in several different ways, different size or color, for example.
Before proceeding to the creation of variable product for online store, create categories of items. To do this, go to Items --- Categories. Categories are displayed in a store with a special widget. In the drop-down list of sub-menu, you must choose “Product information”, then select "Variability of products”.
In the tab “Properties’, do not forget to tick the check-box “Use for variations”. Save the changes and move on to adding variations. Click on “Options” and edit the parameters of the first variation, save and repeat the procedure for a multiple number of times. You can always get a professional assistance and support from our team of premium WooCommerce themes’ developers.
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