WooCommerce Infinite Scroll and Ajax Pagination settings

XStore comes bundled with an extremely useful plugin,  WooCommerce Infinite Scroll and Ajax Pagination. This plugin converts default product pagination into Infinite Scroll or Ajax pagination with the WooCommerce Lazy Load. To make this plugin work with our theme, you will need to add a number of special settings


Pagination Type – Infinite Scroll

Go to Settings > WooCommerce Infinite

Find Selector settings and change to:

For XStore theme version 4.19 and higher

  • Content Selector: .products-loop
  • Item Selector: .product
  • Navigation Selector: .after-shop-loop .woocommerce-pagination
  • Next Selector: .after-shop-loop .woocommerce-pagination a.next

Find Advanced Settings > On Pagination End

For XStore theme version 4.19 and higher

jQuery('.filter-wrap .woocommerce-pagination').hide();

The other settings may be selected in accordance with your needs.

Pagination Type – Ajax Pagination

Go to Settings > WooCommerce Infinite Scroll

Find Selector settings and change to:

For XStore theme version 4.19 and higher

  • Content Selector: .products-loop
  • Item Selector: .product
  • Navigation Selector:  .woocommerce-pagination
  • Next Selector:  .woocommerce-pagination a.next

For XStore theme version 4.18 and earlier

  • Content Selector: .products-loop
  • Item Selector: .product
  • Navigation Selector: .pagination-cubic
  • Next Selector: .pagination-cubic a.next

The other settings may be selected in accordance with your needs.

Updated on September 27, 2024
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