To make the theme compatible with the Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce plugin add the following code in child theme functions.php
add_filter('etheme_single_product_builder_tabs', 'etheme_single_product_builder_tabs_yikes_custom'); function etheme_single_product_builder_tabs_yikes_custom($tabs) { if (!class_exists('YIKES_Custom_Product_Tabs_Display')) { return $tabs; } global $product; $product_id = method_exists( $product, 'get_id' ) === true ? $product->get_id() : $product->ID; $product_tabs = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $product_id, 'yikes_woo_products_tabs' , true ) ); if ( ! empty( $product_tabs ) ) { // Setup priorty to loop over, and render tabs in proper order $i = 60; foreach ( $product_tabs as $tab ) { // Do not show tabs with empty titles on the front end if ( empty( $tab['title'] ) ) { continue; } $tab_key = $tab['id']; $tabs[ $tab_key ] = array( 'title' => $tab['title'], 'priority' => $i++, 'callback' => 'custom_product_tabs_panel_content_yikes', 'content' => $tab['content'] ); } } /** * Filter: 'yikes_woo_filter_all_product_tabs' * * Generic filter that passes all of the tab info and the corresponding product. Cheers. * * Note: This passes all of the tabs for the current product, not just the Custom Product Tabs created by this plugin. * * @param array | $tab | Array of $tab data arrays. * @param object | $product | The WooCommerce product these tabs are for */ $tabs = apply_filters( 'yikes_woo_filter_all_product_tabs', $tabs, $product ); return $tabs; } function custom_product_tabs_panel_content_yikes( $key, $tab ) { $content = ''; $use_the_content_filter = apply_filters( 'yikes_woo_use_the_content_filter', true ); if ( $use_the_content_filter === true ) { $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $tab['content'] ); } else { $content = apply_filters( 'yikes_woo_filter_main_tab_content', $tab['content'] ); } $tab_title_html = '<h2 class="yikes-custom-woo-tab-title yikes-custom-woo-tab-title-' . urldecode( sanitize_title( $tab['title'] ) ) . '">' . $tab['title'] . '</h2>'; echo apply_filters( 'yikes_woocommerce_custom_repeatable_product_tabs_heading', $tab_title_html, $tab ); echo apply_filters( 'yikes_woocommerce_custom_repeatable_product_tabs_content', $content, $tab ); }