Dokan Multivendor plugin with XStore theme

First of all, you have to install the Dokan Multivendor plugin from the Dashboard >> XStore >> Plugins Installer, check the below image:

Once you install and activate it, it will take you to the Setup Wizard. If you want to setup it up via the setup wizard, you can go for it other-wise you can back to the WordPress dashboard. You can also set these settings from the DOKAN plugin settings.Now, to allow users to register as a vendor first, you have to make sure that you have enabled the user registration from the WooCommerce plugin settings.

Then, when the customer go to the account page to register, it will show an option user to register the user as a vendor check below image:

Once a user register as a vendor. User will be able to go to the vendor dashboard. Where users can add products, check the orders, and withdrawal amounts check the below image:

Now let’s add a new product to the vendor store, go to the Products Tab and click on Add New. Then you can add the product image, product name, product category, brands, etc..

As you can see in the below screenshot I have added a new test product.

Now let’s check the product on the live store as you can see in the below image.

It appears just perfect according to the setting we set from the backend.

Thanks & Regards.

Updated on September 26, 2024
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