Revolutions Slider – New Slider

Theme supports Revolution Slider, which is installed after theme activation. You may at that time create the sliders and use them on the site in accordance with the plugin documentation. Refer to Revolution Slider Documentation for further information about slider settings. Sliders can be added to any page.

To setup Revolution Slider, follow the next steps: If you want to create a new slider, navigate to Revolution Slider > New Slider.

  • You will reach a form where you will be prompted to enter the Sliders Basic Settings.
  • The next step is creating/editing slides. Insert the slider content.
  • Install the Slider in XStore: Either from the widgets panel (drag the “Revolution Slider” widget to the desired sidebar), or from the post editor (insert the shortcode from the sliders table); or add RevolutionSlider element if you are building your page using Visual Composer.
Updated on September 27, 2024
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