Portfolio Page

We are pleased to inform you that XStore can be effectively utilized as a portfolio platform.

This feature serves as an ideal medium for showcasing your creative works, such as art pieces, photographs, or any other visual content you wish to present to your audience.

To establish your Portfolio Page, please navigate to your Dashboard, select 'Pages', and proceed to create a new page.

Following this, access 'Theme Options', then 'Portfolio', and finally 'Portfolio page'. Here, you can designate your newly crafted page as the primary page for all your projects.

Additionally, we encourage you to configure the other necessary settings to tailor your portfolio to your preferences.

To add new projects, simply go to 'Dashboard', select 'Portfolio', and then click on 'Add New'.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through the support forum.

Updated on September 26, 2024
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