Theme Options > Styling/Colors

Introduction: XStore, a popular WordPress theme, offers an array of customization options to empower users in tailoring the visual aspects of their websites. One of the key features contributing to this flexibility is the Styling/Colors section found under XStore > Theme Options. In this article, we will explore the various customization options available in this section, allowing users to create a unique and visually appealing online presence.

Dark Version: The first option in the Styling/Colors section is the ability to switch to a Dark Version. This feature provides users with the flexibility to transform their website into a sleek and modern dark style, catering to diverse design preferences.

Main Color: Users can choose the Main Color for their site, influencing the color of links, active buttons, and various elements such as pagination, sale prices, portfolio project masks, blog image masks, and more. This customization ensures a consistent color scheme throughout the website, reinforcing brand identity.

Mobile Browser Bar Color: Set the color of the browser top bar on mobile devices, aligning it with the overall design aesthetics and creating a seamless user experience across different devices.

Site Background: Users can opt for a boxed layout and choose the Site Background color, adding a touch of personalization to the overall design. Additionally, the option to upload a Background Image further enhances the website's visual appeal.

Container Background Color: Specify the background color of the template container when the wide layout is active. This option allows users to control the background color covering the entire visible area, contributing to a cohesive design.

Slider Arrows Colors: Customize the colors of the site's slider arrows, providing users with the flexibility to choose between transparent and custom options. This feature enables specific color adjustments for slider arrows, ensuring they seamlessly integrate with the overall design.

Bold Icons: Enhance the visibility of default icons like the cart, search, and wishlist by enabling the Bold Icons option. This feature ensures that these essential elements stand out across the website, improving user navigation.

Input Section: Users can customize the border radius, background color, and border color of input, textarea, select, and fieldset fields across the entire site. This level of detail in customization ensures consistency and a polished appearance.

Alerts Section: Customize the background color and text color for notifications and alerts displayed on the website. This feature allows users to maintain a coherent design language even in crucial communication areas.

Light Buttons, Bordered Buttons, Dark Buttons, and Active Buttons: Customize various button types across the site, adjusting font, size, line height, colors, border width, border radius, and border style for both active and hover states. This extensive customization capability ensures a consistent and professional look for all buttons on the website.

Conclusion: By leveraging the Styling/Colors options in the XStore theme, users can achieve a seamless and professional appearance for their websites. These customization features not only enhance the visual appeal but also contribute to an improved user experience. For further assistance or queries, users can turn to the dedicated 8Theme support team via the XStore WordPress Support Forum. The support experts are committed to ensuring a smooth and productive experience with XStore, assisting users in unlocking the full potential of their online stores.

Updated on September 26, 2024
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