How to improve WP Rocket settings with XStore

The first thing you need is to install the WP Rocket plugin. After the installation of the plugin go to the settings and you will find the cache options at the very first.

The performance improvement is instantly noticeable because WP Rocket doesn’t wait for user requests to start caching pages. It proactively crawls your website and preloads pages in the cache.

Here is the list of things those are necessary to optimize the website speed and you can do it using the WP Rocket plugin. Make sure that when you are using a plugin do not use the same options on third application settings like theme options, another optimization plugin. It will cause unexpected issues on the site. Now, let drive into the topic.

You can see the cache status by visiting WP Rocket dashboard local under the settings >> WP Rocket page and on the “cache” tab.

WP Rocket has already enabled page caching by default, but you have to set the option to further improve your website speed.


This option allows WP Rocket to create separate cache files for mobile users. Checking this option ensure that mobile user gets the full cache mobile experience.

Enable a separate cache for the mobile devices in the cache plugin setting. Or if you don’t want to enable that then disable the Mobile header optimization option in Theme Options > General.

USER Cache

If your site is where users, need to login to your site to access certain features, then you can enable this option as well.

Cache Lifespan

Basically, this option is for the time you want to store the cache files on your website. The default time limit is 10 hours

From there you can check the necessary options to minify, optimize the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files of your site. Minifying static content makes those file sizes smaller. In most cases, this difference is too small to make any noticeable impact on your website’s performance. However, if you run a large traffic site, then this can definitely have a big impact in reducing your overall bandwidth usage and saving the hosting costs.

If you turn this setting on, then please make sure to thoroughly review your website pages to make sure everything is working as intended.


Images are heaviest item on the page. Images take some time to load. Instead of loading all your images at once. Lazy loading downloads only the images that will be visible on the user’s screen and this makes your page load faster.

In the “Media” tab you can enable lazy loading for images. You can also enable the lazy loading for embeds video and iframes from there.


WP Rocket also makes it easy to clean up the DATABASE of your WordPress website. You need to switch to the Database tab on the plugin settings page. From here you can delete, post revisions, drafts, spam, and trash comments.

We don’t recommend deleting post revisions because they can be really useful in undoing changes to your WordPress posts and pages in the future.

Hope this helps.

Regards 8Themes Team.

Updated on September 26, 2024
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