Differences between brands from the WooCommerce plugin and from XStore theme: which to choose and how to disable unnecessary ones

Understanding the Difference Between WooCommerce Brands and XStore Brands
– WooCommerce Brands: Introduced in a recent WooCommerce update (9.6), this feature allows users to assign brands to products natively within WooCommerce.
– XStore Brands: A custom branding feature developed by 8Theme before WooCommerce introduced its own brands. It is integrated with XStore’s widgets and elements.

Disabling XStore Brands
If you prefer to use WooCommerce Brands instead of XStore Brands, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to XStore > Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop Elements > Brands.
2. Toggle Enable Brands to Off.

Disabling WooCommerce Brands
Add the following code to your child theme’s functions.php file:
add_action( ‘init’, function() {
update_option( ‘wc_feature_woocommerce_brands_enabled’, ‘no’ );
} );

XStore Brand Carousel Widget only works with XStore Brands. If you want to use WooCommerce Brands instead:
1. You can request WooCommerce or Elementor to develop a widget that supports WooCommerce Brands.
2. Alternatively, use dynamic tags in Elementor to display WooCommerce Brands.

3. If you want XStore to develop a widget that supports WooCommerce Brands, please submit a request on the 8Theme Taskboard: https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/ If enough users vote for the feature, it may be developed in future updates.

Updated on February 27, 2025
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