Template overrides parser feature

In response to frequent inquiries about issues caused by modifications to child-theme files, we are excited to introduce a new Template Overrides Parser feature in version 9.4.0 of the XStore theme. This tool is designed to help our clients identify whether problems are arising from their alterations to child-theme files and to offer solutions for resolving these issues by providing detailed steps and information.

With this new feature, customers can now easily check for outdated files or files that should not have been copied to the child-theme in the first place.

For instance, the framework folder contains files such as template-elements.php and theme-functions.php, which were copied from the parent theme. We strongly advise against copying any files from the framework folder to the child theme, as this can cause operational issues during theme updates. These files are not meant to function within the child theme environment.

If you need to modify functions from the framework folder, we recommend copying only the necessary function code into your child-theme/functions.php file. Please ensure that modifications are made only if the function is wrapped with the specific condition shown here:

If folders that should not have been copied are found in your child-theme, you may rename this folder, check that your website functions as expected, and then safely delete the copied files along with the framework folder.

Let's examine another example involving the file xstore-child/woocommerce/review-order.php, which is listed in the Template overrides files.

Here are the steps to address this issue:

1. Open both the child theme file (xstore-child/woocommerce/review-order.php) and the parent theme file (xstore/woocommerce/review-order.php).

2. Use https://www.diffchecker.com/ to compare these two files.

3. Merge the content from xstore/woocommerce/review-order.php into xstore-child/woocommerce/review-order.php, incorporating any modifications identified in the comparison from step 2 (typically, these involve additions or changes to HTML code).

4. Go to the System Status page in the XStore Control Panel and clear the cache by clicking the appropriate button.

Please be aware that we cannot be held responsible for any issues that arise from custom modifications within the child theme.

With the newly released system, you can now independently identify incorrect files that have been copied to your child-theme.

We have made every effort to assist our customers in resolving these issues by providing detailed instructions, which can be accessed by clicking the ‘Learn how to update’ link:

Please follow the instructions provided, and should you have any further questions, feel free to submit them on our forum – https://www.8theme.com/forums/xstore-wordpress-support-forum/

Additionally, read these topics – https://www.8theme.com/topic/templates-need-to-be-updated-not-found-in-xstore/#post-414819 https://www.8theme.com/topic/problem-after-update-8/#post-412981

Updated on September 26, 2024
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