Basic Specification
Product name
Apple Airpods Pro
Bluetooth version
Color Variant
Rock Black / Soul White
Effective range
Noise Cancellation
IPX4(only earphones)
Water resistance
10m(in an obstacle-free environment)
Battery life
Charging case & earphones:20hrs playback
time at 50% volume and AAC quality with Noise
Cancellation on; 25hrs playback time at 50% vol
and AAC quality with Noise Cancellation off;
Charge time
2hrs fully charge for charging case & earphones;
1hr fully charge for earphones;
10mins charge for 3hrs charging case & earphone
playback(Noise Cancellation off, played at 50% vol
ume, AAC)*
When the batteries in the earphones &
charging case are drained.
Sound driver
the charging case and charge the earphones and
charging case together for 10 minutes for 3 hours
of playback.
driver size
Audio codec