Thank you in advance for your help, you guys are doing a super job!
I’m getting to the point where I’m happy with the look of the site and its functionality, while I’m working I’ve noted the problems I’ve encountered and I’m asking for help with them:
Pictures are assigned numerically to questions
1. When a user accesses the site via a mobile device (I don’t know if a tablet too, but a phone does), the page doesn’t load properly (looks like picture 1.1 and 1.2), only after refreshing f5 the page displays properly
2. I obtained the code in this topic, but it works on “page”, while it does not work on static blocks. I tried in the developer tool to find the id of staticblock to change page, but failed.
.page-id-3130 .category-grid {
position: relative;
.page-id-3130 .category-grid.valign-center .categories-mask {
bottom: -80px !important;
top: auto;
3. In the same topic as in point 2 I also got help with setting icon boxes in one row, but unfortunately after adding this css in “spotlight categories” the header “categories” is not displayed
4. In the phone view sticky add to cart and buy now look like in the picture.