1) This happened to me the second time. I’ve installed fresh new wordpress and installed the theme and imported demo data. No other 3rd party plugin is active. I’ve entered two new products as sample. Main shop page price filter works after clicking the “Filter” button. It sends the parameters to the address bar (xyz.com/index.php/shop/?product_cat=&min_price=459&max_price=1299&filter_color=&query_type_color=and&rating_filter=)
But shop sidebar price filter doesn’t work. Sidebar price filter doesn’t send its filter parameters to the address bar (xyz.com/index.php/shop/)
But sidebar category filter send its parameters to the address bar. (xyz.com/index.php/product-category/smart-gadgets/)
Widgets are as it is installed with demo data. No changes are made.
I know you will fix the issue entering the site remotely. But I want to know how to fix this. Because apparently I will have the same problem when I install the original domain or another attempt for reinstalling the test site.
2) Is there any way to make category selection with check box? I want to make a multiple category selection for the products in the shop page.