I have tried to look on support but cant see anything for this.
The cart hover – when it shows whats in the cart there is a huge space between the item detail and the next item and/or the checkout button, is it possible to make this smaller?(seems to be the variable selection that causes this)
on shop page pagnation. i will have over 20 pages, it shows the numbers of the pages on the pagnation and this has pushed the view selection to the row under pagnation. im not sure what to do with this but it is worrying what will happen with more pages – is there any solution or have you heard of this?
Is there any for me edit the mobile view. I mentioned previously that the product gallery is not that clear that there are more images. I resized them on the desktop and that worked well. on the mobile/ tablet version – how can i make those same changes? also on the product gallery view on mobile, the arrows to go to next images are not visible – so thats why i want to make it clear there are more images.
Thanks for your help, i know im a pain!