Hi I have a few questions you can hopefully help me with!
1) How do I make the main background for the site be one color and the background for the shop and product page be a different color? (grey BG on Homepage, white BG on Products and Shop page)
2) I’ve seen you make suggestions to update the .php(functions?) in some cases, how do I make those changes and move them to the child theme via FTP so said changes don’t get overwritten when the parent theme is updated?
3) I would like to make the featured product image(top image when using Large format) on the single product page Full Width and make the gallery thumbnails circles instead of rectangles, how would I go about this?
4) Last but not least, I would like to add a new tab on the single-product page, where it says “description”. I know there is an option for an “additional information”, “reviews”, and a global tab but I would like to add a few custom tabs. Different for each product, is this possible?
Thank you for your help!