First, I’d like to felicitate you for the theme! 😉
I’ve got some problems, some of them i’ve fixed them, but i’ll “share” with you some pending problems Lol, if there is solutions:
Mobile menu displayed on desktop:
On pages, when loading in Firefox, i see the mobile navmenu for 1sec or less. I tried with some Css, and seems that not works o work on desktop but affect mobile menu.
I was thinking if its due to a BOM coding in php, i’ve scanned… and all is ok… i think.
Added to Cart Button:
I disabled the button, because:
– In the Home page, it loads but without adding to the cart (Maybe a conflict with plugin: WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantities?)
NB: I’m using the deactivation from WC> Productos > Products Archive (plugin: WooCommerce Product Archive Customiser)
– I disabled it in the Quick View too, because no Qty displayed (and isn’t compatible with qtranslate? The Button shows the 2 languages).
NB: The button works well on the product page.
Fixed menu/header:
Wanna know if the fixed menu in the header can be edited (put the menu a little in the bottom to avoid deformations when more items in the menu, coz i don’t see each header can i edit..)
Advanced Button:
Seems that don’t applicate the Class that i put. I’ve tried by Costum CSS, and CSS editor.
Masterslider and error js:
Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead
I’ll let you the access to FTP and Admin Eva, i know you like this Lol
Add to Wishlist Translation:
Can you tell me where can i find this Add to Wishlist to translate it? I’ve translated the theme… but nothing (see it in single product page, i’ll add some <br> too.)
Brands widget:
There is possibility to have it as drop/down list as Categories or a scroll with nice styling? I’ve did a scroll but it’s so bed Lol. And there is any shortcode to display Brands, for example in the description? now i do it manually.
PHP Notice:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: functions in /xxxxxxxxxx/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/royal/framework/woo.php on line 1321 Maybe that what causes the Add to cart bug.
And if you can tell me how resolved (when it’s done) will be better 🙂
Sorry for all this issues ^^
Thank you! And sorry for my English (: