I have my page her The product images in FEATURED PRODUCTS on some example 1024 x 565 but the system will not crop the images to a normal product size like the other ones.
My setup looks like this:
(X) means checkmark
Katalog billeder 270×370 px (X)Hard Crop?
Enkelt Produkt Billede 460×628 px (X) Hard Crop?
Produktminiaturebilleder 75×100 px (X) Hard Crop?
Produktgalleri Produktgalleri “X” Aktivér Lightbox for produktbilleder
WP settings:
Thumbnail size Width 150×150 Height
(X)Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)
Medium size Medium size Max Width 300×300 Max Height
Large size Large size Max Width 1024×1024 Max Height