we have reported to envato that you do not answer to our questions.
They request to ask you again via support ticket and report if the question is still open.
So we need to ask you here the question, because you do not reply via comment section:
On June 28th, 2025, the European Accessibility Act will be in full force. This act affects all websites and apps. Webmaster with elementor themes need to check f their theme widgets are ready for European Accessibility. A lot fo theme developer already updated their theme and code base and improved a lot of theme core widgets. Also elementor doing so with their core widgets if you check the changelog. Do you plan to make your theme working with European Accessibility Act? For example: you shoud tag the name of the widget, add label to each element and adding schema to FAQ list. Also menu list need to have an schema. Our question is: Do you plan to work on this cases soon? Or you can confirm your code base is ready for European Accessibility Act? We running some checker on your demo pages and we have results like 3% and some pages have 7% passed. Also if we check very simple pages we have results under 10% test passed.