Hi I really like the theme but need to incorporate an accordion menu for my site. I installed a plugin that was best rated https://wordpress.org/plugins/jquery-vertical-accordion-menu/ but unfortunately it has some bugs with the theme, the background boxes behind each item have the width of the link some short some long rather than same width as shown in the demo. I tried a few other plugins and all of them seem to react strangely with the theme. Please let me know how to fix this, also if you have a suggestion for a plugin that will work, the site is for a school and needs to have this type of menu.
Second issue is the Events Plugin, I sent a message directly to the support of the Plugin but wanted to also mention this to you. The plugin I’m using is http://codecanyon.net/item/eventon-wordpress-event-calendar-plugin/1211017 it seems to also have a conflict with the theme, it shows only the month heading but not the events.
I understand 3rd party plugins are not your responsibility but especially in the case of the accordion menu I hope you will consider adding a feature like that with your future updates.
Please let me know if you can help,
I have a presentation coming up on Thursday and hope to resolve both of these issues