Hello team,
I’m facing a lot of glitches on the website. Add to cart button is not showing on shop page for the products even I have already swithced on the “add to cart” option. I am getting a notice of “Please, activate Wishlist option to use this widget.” on my live website even the wishlist option is already switched on and it’s working too, this notice is not removing. I have swicthed a hover effect of zoom in for the products but it’s not working. At the section of YOU MAY ALSO LIKE IT there an option of QR Code but it’s not working only showing a notice “Click on the image to get the QR link to this page.” even it’s not removing. At the section of “Popular Book This Year” there is a slide, sometime slide works but sometime it does not work.
Please look into these glitches and help me to get solve it as soon as possible.