Hi is there a way to add a search icon that when press will open a searching text bowx ?
Thx by advance for your answer and help to achieve this.
This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hi is there a way to add a search icon that when press will open a searching text bowx ?
Thx by advance for your answer and help to achieve this.
We don’t have such option by default. All the available layouts for the search you can find in Theme Options > Header builder > Search. Try Full-width type, maybe it will suit your needs.
Ok thank you i’m gonna try.
But i need to know 2 things first
1/ After configurating my search options how can i add an icon and activating my search ?
2/ Can i only search for blog results ?
Thx by advance
Theme Options > Header builder > add Search element into the header content.
Here you can find some videos – https://youtu.be/RbdKjQrFnO4
In settings of the search, you can select what exactly to search.
Awesome, thank you.
Where can i change textes for “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?” and “TRENDING SEARCHES”
Thanks by advance for your answer and help
Have you created translation for the theme and XStore Core plugin – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/base-theme-translation/ ?
Provide temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look.
Here is my credentials.
About this search there is no a page or static bloc where I can modify textes and add more infos ?
And where can I change background color of tags ? (For now in red)
I do not see the Loco translate plugin on your site. Mentioned strings of the search come from XStore Core plugin. If you are using PoEdit, create a translation for the Core plugin.
About this search there is no a page or static bloc where I can modify textes and add more infos ?
– no.
And where can I change background color of tags ? (For now in red)
– Theme Options > Styling > Main color
Wouldn’t be so easy and better to have a way to completely edit this block (by adding texts infos, editing and changing titles and textes….)
Why can’t we set it in a static bloc that would be imported then via elementor ?
Cause i don’t like using loco translate and i feel better without adding a new plugin for only set 2 textes.
Thx by advance
You can submit this request here – https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/
Hi request was submitted.
Jack Richardson ask me to provide here a sample and FTP connexion.
Hoping you and him could provide a quick and great solution.
Thanks by advance.
So, what about FTP? I see WP Dashboard access only.
Here you are
1/ You are having a search button inside the content but you have uploaded hard-colored svg -> http://i.prntscr.com/UD9YE8ZrQKaD49PVrhuP2g.png
I have added custom CSS below to your child theme to fix that and add the bg gradient for the full width search.
/* fix custom svg colors in search popup */
.search-full-width .search-button svg, .search-full-width .search-button svg path {
fill: currentColor;
/* background gradient for search content */
.search-full-width .et-mini-content {
background-image: linear-gradient( 90deg , var(--e-global-color-primary) 0%, var(--e-global-color-secondary) 100%);
/* making transparent select+input of search */
.et_b_header-search.search-full-width .input-row,
.search-full-width input[type="text"] {
background: transparent;
/* transparent background for search results */
.search-full-width .ajax-search-form .ajax-results-wrapper .autocomplete-suggestions, .search-full-width .ajax-extra-content {
background: transparent;
/* text color for search no-results */
.search-full-width .autocomplete-no-suggestion {
color: #fff;
2/ To change texts you can use Loco Translate plugin https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/base-theme-translation/ and instead of translating to other languages create translation for the existing language for the XStore Core plugin, find the mentioned strings and add your texts in the translation fields. You’ll be able to remove the Loco translate plugin once you finish, it won’t break the transaltion.
3/ We have added few actions/filters for search full-width content
Create Static block in the backend (http://i.prntscr.com/ZDSOgpMeSPGZc4qgeDD_DQ.png)
You can simply copy shortcode to your child-theme/functions.php (http://i.prntscr.com/r-HPXyJpQL_0nwqMMHCGLQ.png)
Frontend view -> http://i.prntscr.com/gpJ04Mg9TvapPfPvpIGmsQ.png
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