I want to make some changes on the quantity style but I couldn’t see how to do it. It is possible to change the shape of the button with single product builder but it is not enough for me. I have a couple of issues:
1. Quantity input is different on shop page (https://prnt.sc/jZjh3znHUGyz) and the single product page (https://prnt.sc/BCs2e_UVKXEn). I think the design on the single product page is better since suffix font size is smaller. It will be perfect if we can make all quantity buttons the same as the one on the single product page (like this: https://prnt.sc/BCs2e_UVKXEn).
2. Is it possible to change the colors of plus, minus, number, suffix and the borders? If yes, can we make all of them black (#000000)?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Admin info is in the private content area. Have a great day!