I’ve got kind of a complex question, so I understand if it’s out of scope.
I found a great way to use your Static Blocks in combination with JS Composer Wigitized Sidebar Widget.
So what I do I create a static block for a page/post type (with ACF as dynamic content for each post). Then I add the static block to a Sidebar Widget. Then I create a JS Composer Page template that only contains the Widgetized Sidebar. What this allows me to do is apply one page template to an entire post type. Simplifying updates and if I change the Static Block it changes ALL the posts! It works great in XStore theme and populates the ACF with the fields from the post. However, when I use the same technique in Royal Theme, it does insert the styling and content from the static block but not the ACF content from the posts.
Just trying to figure out why in XStore it would pull the post ACF field data but not in Royal theme?