Just wondering if this plugin -> https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-product-fields-for-woocommerce/
will work with this theme -> https://xstore.8theme.com/demos/2/minimalist-outfits/
I have installed it, and it works fine on the actual product page showing me the price difference however it does not reflect the price increment in the cart and I note, on the plugin it does mention “The free version does not work with themes using Ajax technology for their product “add to cart” button.”; so is this theme using this Ajax technology and is it the reason why it doesn’t show the prices in the cart / checkout etc?
Can we disable the Ajax and keep the look / effect but show the price changes or will it affect the site? Thing is we really need a custom field added to selected products so this plugin works great on most themes; just surprised to see this issue as never encountered it before.
Or, is it simply a case of disabling this option in xstore theme settings “AJAX add to cart for simple and variable products” -> disable? Assuming so, this would mean each add to cart will literally refresh the page and then add a huge banner at the base of the page. Hmmm
You can see private info – has login and link to product so you can see yourself. But please do not do any changes to the site.