I made all translations via “loco translate” as instructed but after this major update, it lost the translation in greek. how can I restore it? pls advice
This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I made all translations via “loco translate” as instructed but after this major update, it lost the translation in greek. how can I restore it? pls advice
Did you do backup files before the update?
Make sure that translation files of the theme are placed in /wp-content/languages/themes/ folder
plugins, like core plugin on your screenshot, in /wp-content/languages/plugins folder.
After every update, you need to synchronize translation – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/translation-files-update/ Sometimes new strings are added, and only after synchronization, you’ll be able to translate new strings or strings that were changed. Not always, but some strings can be missing after the sync and you need to find and translate them one more time, this is independent of us and relates to WP functionality. Also, do a backup of all the files before any update – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-installation/theme-update/
the translation files are placed in /wp-content/languages/themes/ , pls see screenshot, and I did a backup before updating. Do you mean that these translation files should be also copied into the /wp-content/languages/plugins ? pls advice
apologies, wrong capture no xstore translation files.Should I chose to upload the files via loco translation plugin in the xstore child theme? pls see attachment & advice
We don’t have access to the mentioned files to check them.
Upload XStore theme translation files to /wp-content/languages/themes/ and XStore core plugin translation files to /wp-content/languages/plugins.
Hi, I tried that and it doesn’t work. I have one .po and one .mo file. Do I upload the 2 files in both directories you suggested? I manually uploaded them under the theme directory, and it didn’t work.
Can I upload the .po file via the loco translate? and if so, which location should I select?
Last, Do I upload it in the Store, or child theme?
We can’t see your screenshots. Use Gayzo or Lightshot screenshot tools to make and share screenshots.
Translation files of the theme, like xstore-tr_TR.mo and xstore-tr_TR.po, should be uploaded into /wp-content/languages/themes folder, not xstore or xstore-child folder, but “themes folder, like – https://gyazo.com/f9050eecaec41aa78a957bd3289408d6 It can be done via FTP or Loco translate – https://gyazo.com/a434faf91d31e92413a02ee4a2de5102
Translation of XStore Core plugin – https://gyazo.com/696beed4c7397aeb45ee6af06f8e4361
I hope it is clear now.
thank you. I uploaded the translation file x-store-el.po), I refreshed, deleted cache, and still some words are in english, like “resister”, “login”, while others like “related products” have been translated. needless to say that they have been translated as well. Any clues? pls advice
Check translation of XStore Core plugin.
Provide temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look.
you mean to go to xstore core plugin select translation, and ad new language and start translating?
Yes, I’ve done the next – http://prntscr.com/1qyydjy You can continue the translation of the Core plugin now.
ok, got it, thx. but now i must translate twice (with the xstore plug-in). why do I have to redo, in xstore core when I did it in xstore plugin? Is this correct? pls advice, thx
Yes, strings from the theme and Core come to different places on the site. For example, My account element (Header builder) https://gyazo.com/53f8479da033add592d7d5b4eff80929 was coded in the Core plugin that means that translation should be done for the Core plugin. My account page is re-written the default WC template via our theme, so strings of the page are placed in the theme, and so on.
ok noted. Still, I have a problem translating some texts:
No items matched your search XXX.
Check your spelling or search again with less specific terms.
Return To Shop
I made respective translation in XStore plug in, and in XStore core this field does not exist, but after saving and syncing still remains in english. also the “search for…” in search box. pls advice, thx
Clear cache and check – https://gyazo.com/8991366f69eed2e8c3ad91b480a84622
Theme options > Header builder > Search > Placeholder Text
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