I have been using your theme for awhile and its great! thank you! We just paid for support so we could get some help on here.
I have a website located in private content
I upgraded to the new theme yesterday and I am having a couple of issues.
1) On the products Page – Shop –> Store Home. I cannot click on the show filter or the other buttons.
2) On the same page as above the add to cart no longer works. (I had to remove it)
3) The cart page no longer shows the shipping options. (I doubled checked in the woocommerce settings and its still checked) The cart page just has [woocommerce_cart]
4) The checkout page no longer has the items in the cart on the right
5) The checkout page does not have the payment options anymore.
6) Not sure if this is the theme issue or something else. On the home page the video on the button is not in the correct location
7) Sometimes on the slider the button is stretched out on the home page. See picture in private content.
Thank you very much for your help!