Hi there,
I am in the process of building a new website for the business I work for. The current website is still live, and I am building the new site in a sub-folder. Both wordpress and the theme were installed weeks ago, and I have had no troubles until yesterday.
Yesterday the current website kept going down intermittently throughout the day. I contacted our host (Crucial) and was told that they saw a substantial spike in our usage for the day. They doubled our capabilities to see if that would help, but we were still spiking.
Yesterday was my first day really diving into page creation using the visual editor. I’m thinking this was the issue. Any suggestions on how we can avoid this problem moving forward?
Account Usage
Disk Usage 2,677.59 / 75 GB
Bandwidth Usage 16.55 GB MB
Database Usage 636.30 / 15,360 MB
Resource Usage View Usage
I have included what Crucial support sent over, in the private content area.
Thank you