i have many problems with the theme after update, now theme option doesn’t load, main menu and side menu doesn’t appear, the photo for the quick view is too big.
That’s what i found until now.
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
i have many problems with the theme after update, now theme option doesn’t load, main menu and side menu doesn’t appear, the photo for the quick view is too big.
That’s what i found until now.
In browser console, I can see js error that comes from an additional plugin – https://prnt.sc/u413rh Try to disable Flux Checkout plugin, clear cache and check Theme Options, menus, quick view then.
Thanks for quick reply,
I disabled that plugin, theme option worked but the menus didn’t appear and the quick view is the same, Can you recheck please?
I have law traffic on the website right now and i have backup too if you can please take the necessary action.
As I can see, the plugin is activated still. Please check one more time, do not forget to clear CDN / browser cache after the disabling before checking the result.
If you need further assistance with the header menu problem, provide temporary FTP access.
Yes i re-enabled flux plugin as it’s not the reason for the hidden menu, after checking and disabling the plugins one by one i found that the problem is with elemntor plugins: 1st i can’t update it, 2nd once i disable it the menus works. and it’s essential for the theme i can’t keep it disabled.
I have updated theme and XStore core plugin to the latest version and don’t see the issue with the theme options http://prntscr.com/u67wrr
Main menu is ok http://prntscr.com/u682tq and Elementor plugin is enabled.
What size of the QV image do you want to have http://prntscr.com/u680x7 ?
I had to activate backup to make it work and i deactivated Elementor – Header, Footer & Blocks.. once i enable it .. everything damage again .
Now i have a new problem, the XStore Core keep sending requests makes the CPU full
1) Did you used the Elementor Header and Footer builder to build the header?
2) Do you have list of such requests or maybe screenshot of them or any report?
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