Good morning Roses,
Thanks to your help you are making me realize my site..
I’ve almost finished building the site. On the desktop computer the site works fine. The photos now load quickly, thanks to your advice.
Now the problem is found on mobile devices. Pages linked to the site do not open properly.
As you can see from the attached video. The pages: “About us” (only the writings are visible, the photos and videos are missing, “Contacts” (the contact form is missing), or even the “Useful Information” pages: “How to order” (the drop-down content does not opens.) On the desktop computer all working.
I installed the AMP XStore plugin to speed up the opening of the site which does so, the shop pages open quickly, but the pages connected to the site again do not.
This makes it difficult to place an order from the mobile device
How can I fix?
Kind regards