This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Thanks to your precious support and your precious help on the code, in past I obtained my own customized version of the Portfolio page.
To do this I modified these files:
– portfolio.php (in the woopress/framework/ folder because in the child it didn’t work at all)
– functions.php (in the child folder)
– content-portfolio.php (in the child folder)
– single-etheme-portfolio.php (in the child folder)
– footer.php (in the child folder)
If you remember, we did this when the theme was at version 3.2
In the months I updated the theme to 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1 and all worked perfectly (I needed only to remember to copy my own portfolio.php version in the framework folder in the main theme after every upgrade).
The problems arrived with the version 4.2 (and now with the 4.2.1 too)
With the last version of the theme, my own Portfolio page doesn’t work very well. Please see the two videos I updated to show you the behavior of the page (the link is in pvt content).
The video made with 4.1.1 shows a perfect functioning, while video made with 4.2.1 shows a crazy operation of the Portfolio page.
Moreover, the entire website is a bit slower with 4.2.1 (and it was the same with 4.2 too).
I would like to use the last version (4.2.1) but it is impossible in this way because at every click the miniatures of the Portfolio page are flickering.
How can I correct this annoying flickering effect arrived with the last upgrade of the theme?
For your test: in the “themes” folder of my WordPress installation you can find “” and “” with the zipped folders of the two versions of the theme (with inside the modified portfolio.php in the framework folder, in both folders).
In this way you can check both versions on the fly simply unzipping the respective folder via ftp.
Let me know, please.
Please create a staging site with the latest theme version and the problem and provide us with access so we could check the problem more deeply.
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I created a mirror of the website on another domain of mine. Please use this to do your test. In pvt content belove there is all info to enter.
This installation has the 4.2.1 theme version and you can see the flickering problem.
At this point please don’t touch the main website, I’ll continue to work on it in the meanwhile (only adding content in the various language).
The problem was fixed in woopress/js/plugins.js file. You can download this file from the test site and replace it on your main site. The fix also will be included in next theme update.
Thank you very much! Now it works perfectly.
Best regards
You’re welcome!
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