I am wondering my images library – can’t see the thumbnails there. And also am wondering why the product images on thumbnails load so slow.. I have set LQIP loading type for images – does it use thumbnail size or something else?
Here my speed optimization settings: https://prnt.sc/23xawpw
and https://prnt.sc/23xb0zn and https://prnt.sc/23xb2rq
Should I change something?
I have these settings for thumbnail size: https://prnt.sc/23xbbh5
But I am wondering does the theme use the thumbnails or load the whole original picture instead of a thumbnail? How to check if thumbnails are used correctly?
I recently noticed also one product that does not crop to 1×1 in thumbnail. Is it because the picture is too small? it is originally 236×300 px (one of my vendors loaded it)