seems that this plugin isn’t compatible with Legenda Theme
Everything was working properly but, when I installed your theme I had blank page.
What have I done?
– Renamed theme folder through FTP
– Deactivated all plugin and re-activated one at a time.
Well, when I try to activate Arqam I have total blank page so I need to rename arqaam folder through FTP.
Have you noticed this problem before?
I asked to Arqam developer to investigate and he answered me:
“could you plaase report this issue to your theme provider, they should help you regarding this:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 in/home/attimi/www/wp-content/themes/attimi/framework/twitteroauth/OAuth.php on line 120
Good luck.”
Can you help me?
Site is: http://www.attimi.co.uk
Do you need ftp and WP access?
Thank you!