Assistance Required for Checkout Page Modifications

This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 hours, 37 minutes ago ago by Drishti

  • Avatar: Drishti
    September 30, 2024 at 21:20

    I have a few queries regarding modifications I would like to make on the checkout page of my WooCommerce store. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on how to implement the following changes:

    1) Hide “You saved” Message: I would like to hide the “You saved” message that appears after the total amount on the checkout page.

    2) Change Last Name Field to Optional: Please guide me on how to change the last name field from required to optional.

    3) Remove “(optional)” Label: I want to remove the “(optional)” label that appears next to optional fields on the checkout form.

    4) Restrict Phone Number Input: Currently, the phone number field accepts characters and shows an error message for invalid inputs. I would like to restrict this field to accept only numeric values.

    5) Display Validation Errors Below Input Fields: I want all validation error messages to be displayed directly below the corresponding input fields instead of at the top area of the page.

    6) Default Close Shipping Address Info: I would like the shipping address information section to be closed by default on the checkout page. I have already tried enabling and disabling the “Active checkbox” toggle under “Shipping Details” but did not achieve the desired result.

    I do not want to use the plugin, please suggest me the code changes, wherever possible.

    Thank you for your assistance in resolving these issues. I look forward to your guidance.

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