Here there,
I have an issue with the banner carousel, below are the error details for the console:
jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.3:2 jQuery.Deferred exception: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at z.attach (
at z.init (
at z.init (
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at z.emit (
at P.init (
at new z ( undefined
S.Deferred.exceptionHook @ jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.3:2
jquery-migrate-3.0.0.min.js:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.0.0
(index):4 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at z.attach (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:15729)
at z.init (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:16166)
at z.init (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:16492)
at swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:21163
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:21141
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at z.emit (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:20940)
at P.init (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:61839)
at new z (swiper.min.js?ver=9.1.4:1:66777)
How can I fix this? Seems like a JS error.
Issue 1: If Infinite Slider is on, the slider skips all the sliders like 2,3,4,… and displays only the 1st slide.
Issue 2: Disabling the infinite slider solves issue 1, but on the last like for example slide 4 if you again click on the right arrow button, then the page will open. (the current setting).