I’ve created specific static bloc headers for the different product categories but when I go in categories, it doesn’t appear. I need to reload the page for the header to appear.
What could be the reason of that bug?
Thank you
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I’ve created specific static bloc headers for the different product categories but when I go in categories, it doesn’t appear. I need to reload the page for the header to appear.
What could be the reason of that bug?
Thank you
Update the theme – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-installation/theme-update/ and Core plugin – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/plugins-update/ Clear cache and check how it works then.
Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately I have updated the plugin and deleted cache but the issue is still present.
If you go on shop then click on one of the categories, you’ll see that the header doesn’t appear if you don’t reload the page.
Provide us with FTP access to your site, please. We’ll check the issue in more detail.
I share it in the Private area.
Thank you.
You provided FTP access to an empty directory https://prnt.sc/13e2ezv We need access to the directory with your WP installation.
My bad! Here it is
It looks that Elementor updated and does not allow to refresh plugin scripts for the page after the Ajax loading. So, if you want to use Static blocks for that sections we would recommend you to disable Ajax filters option. We are trying to find a workaround for this but we are not sure that it’s possible taking into account Elementor changes. We see that a lot of Elementor users contacted Elementor team about this but they do not hurry to provide any fix for this or do not want.
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