Hi, for some reason there’s a redirection for the /blog page. Bluehost mentioned it’s to do with a code in the .htacess file.
Everything else is working as it should so could you help me to check what’s going on?
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago ago by John Holden
Hi, for some reason there’s a redirection for the /blog page. Bluehost mentioned it’s to do with a code in the .htacess file.
Everything else is working as it should so could you help me to check what’s going on?
Thanks for writing in! Regretfully, at this time I am not entirely certain what it is you would like to accomplish based on the information given in your post. If you wouldn’t mind providing me with a little more clarification on what it is you’re wanting to do, I’ll be happy to provide you with a response once I have a better understanding of the situation.
Hung PD
Sorry I wasn’t being clear.
The page gets redirected and I get the error 404.
Our theme does not have any options for the redirects. Check your .htaccess file. Probably you have some wrong redirect rules there.
Yes, I’ve found it. Thanks. Please close this.
Glad to hear your issue has been resolved.
If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating on our theme!
Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.
Hung PD
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