I am writing to provide my feedback about the theme as I have used to for 1 day and a half now. I have been testing things and most work great. I just have a few questions about some elements and colours.
Initially, I chose the orange theme for my Xstore template. I would like to know if it is possible to change the scheme of all the colours at once from Orange to Blue. I managed to find some elements and change them individually but it was taking a long time. If there is an area I change all my site colours to blue It would be great.
1. The first image is the “Don’t miss out on these offers!” How can I change the Orange colour border around it? And those category titles?
Example 1: https://prnt.sc/26sjcn2
2. When A product is clicked it displays the product image like this and the small thumbnails also have an orange border around it.
Example 2: https://prnt.sc/26sjg75
3. Where can I edit the footer area elements and what it contains.
Example 3: https://prnt.sc/26sjf20