#1. Brand Slider
First of all i want to thank you for the excellent support, we already work with a lot of team and your team is one of the best. congratulation.
This time, I think all the problem are solved, however I have a little problem in this page: , like you can see the Brand slider in the Pre-footer of the static block doen´t appear, in the other pages, like this one: the slider work correcly.
Do you know why?
# 2. Moblie – Slider + Icons
Another little problem is the quality of the icons on the mobile. Like you can see in this print the icon lost resolution in mobile http://images.devs-on.net/Image/5kt63EwVjHYOUmqz-Region.png and the slider doesn´t load.
Do you know why?
Note: you already have my data for FTP and Backoffice acess.
I am waiting your feedbakck.