1. I have changed in the portfolio.php
'name' => _x('Projects', 'post type general name', ETHEME_DOMAIN),
'name' => _x('Portfolio', 'post type general name', ETHEME_DOMAIN),
When I’m on one of the projects of the portfolio, and when I want to come back by clicking the Portfolio breadcrumb it is taking me back to the same page that I’m currently at, instead of bringing me back to the main portfolio page. Where can I change this?
Also, where can I change:
2. Portfolio breadcrumbs
The address is e.g. mypage.com/projects_cat/category1
the breadcrumbs showing currently:
I would like to change that from:
Project to Portfolio in the breadcrumbs, also add category like this -> Home/Portfolio/Category1
3. Blog breadcrumbs
I would like to change that to:
4. Blog breadcrumb category archives
I would like to change that to:
Home/Blog/Archive by category “Uncategorised”
My Custom Structure is ‘/%category%/%postname%/’, because if I change it to ‘blog/%category%/%postname%/’ then in the address on one of the projects of the portfolio will display ‘blog’ but I don’t want it to be like this.
Please advice,
Thank you